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We don’t do a lot of sequels on the Horror Lasagna podcast. Sequels tend to not fit the mold for us telling you about the best horror movies you haven’t seen. In our Director Rehash though, we made an exception for Victor Crowley.

The Hatchet series is worth the inclusion though. We both loved Hatchet and wanted to see the follow ups. Hatchet has become one of Stephen’s favorite slasher series and Rhys enjoyed it enough that he made an exception for his personal no-sequel rule.

And a special bonus – we discuss Hatchet 2 and 3! If you want to start at the beginning, go listen to our Hatchet one analysis. There is a lot to like about this series, even #4 – which traditionally wouldn’t be worth watching. Adam Green knows the slasher tropes and breaks most of them. In a good way that is also lots of fun.

Come join us on a look at the fourth Hatchet and find out why Adam Green decided to shoot it.

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Stephen: [00:00:00] All right. So here we go. This one’s been sitting a while. We’ve been going with holidays, trying back and forth a little bit, but today we’re going to talk about Victor Crowley, which is the fourth and I know you’re not a big sequel guy,

Rhys: not a sequel guy.

That’s true. But. We’re not going to talk about more than just the fourth. We’re going to talk about two and three, two while we’re at it. So yeah,

Stephen: they’re a very interesting slasher series. I’ll give it that much. It’s become one of my favorites. So we’ll get into talking about why. All right.

That was a good pause. Let’s go on with the rest of it.

Rhys: Awesome. So we’re talking about Victor Crowley by Adam green who did hatchet. For us back in season one or two. I don’t remember which it was a while ago. That long ago. Wow. Okay. Yeah. We talked about his background quite a bit when we did hatch it.

So this is actually going to turn into kind of a mini retrospective of his work. Because he does this really cool thing where we had said back when he did hatchet, that if you watch [00:01:00] hatchet one, two, and three altogether, it all was one continuing story.

Stephen: Yes. Arguably you can say the others are like that too.

Halloween’s, depending on which timeline and which sequels you’re talking about. But when we say a continuous story, literally they pick up one right after the other within minutes.

Rhys: It’s two days total over those three movies. This one, there was a break in between, but there are still elements that ran through those first three that turn up here.

So we got to talk about hatchet two and three as well. Yeah,

Stephen: there’s a lot of interesting things they did, which defy the normal slasher movie tropes.

Rhys: Regardless of how you feel about these, this series of movies, whether you love it, whether you hate it, you can’t argue the fact that it is like a real homage to the horror movies of the past.

And he built one of the most impressive [00:02:00] casts, especially when you look over all four movies to be in this film. And I’m not talking about, Oscar award winners, but I am talking about. Super important people to the horror genre. Yeah. If we look at hatchet one, you had Cain Haunter who played Jason, you had Robert Englund who played Freddy.

You had Joshua Leonard from the Blair Witch Project, Tony Todd from Cameraman. Oh, rest in peace. Tony Todd. He just recently passed away. And yet John Carl Bugler, who. Did special effects for horror movies dating back to the 1980s. Oh, cool. That part I didn’t know. Yeah. And that’s hatchet one hatchet to still has Kane Hodder still has Tony Todd.

So it’s John Carl Buechler as Danielle Harris, who was in several of the Halloween movies as a little girl. Yeah. Yeah. Tom Holland, who was a writer on fright, the fright night series and [00:03:00] child’s play movies. You had Ramia loft who was leather face in the second one, you had AJ Bowen who plays Victor Allman from house of the devil, several other horror movies and Rick McCollum, who was a horror movie stuntman dating back to 1983, so that’s an hatchet too.

That’s the sequel. Hatchet three, you’ve got Kane Hodder, Daniel Harris, Zach Galligan from gremlins and wax works.

Stephen: Okay.

Rhys: Scream queen, Caroline Williams from the Halloween series. And Texas chainsaw massacre. She was in those two Derek mirrors who also played Jason in one of the Friday the 13th and he was a predator.

He plays a predator and he was in the hills have eyes too. And Sean Whalen was in the third one. He played Roach from the people under the stairs. And he was in Halloween too. And of course, Sid [00:04:00] Hague we talk about him and bone Tomahawk. He was also in hollow and hatchet three. So the number of people that Adam green got involved in these movies is very impressive and it gets noticed by people.

Stephen: Yeah. And the thing is, he’s not Oh, Adam Green, is not the name recognition of Eli Roth or something, or even Cormac from back in the day, but because of these movies, I think people in the horror genre. No him.

Rhys: Yeah. And that brings us to the setup for Victor Crowley,

Stephen: right?

Rhys: Because he was working on a television show. Shoot, I’ll find it somewhere along the lines. I’ll get to it here in the notes, but he was working on a television show. It was going quite well. He his. One of his good friends was a guy named David Brockie. He was also in the show. He also happens to be the lead singer of the band [00:05:00] guar. He passed away. Oh, not good. Quite suddenly. Leah Vanderbilt, who we mentioned she played the young Victor Crowley in. The first movie is the prosthetics were built on her head. She was the only one that fit they, she and Adam green were married and right around the same time that David Brockie died leah Vanderbilt and Adam green got divorced and then his, like his long term, long time idol, Wes Craven also passed away all at the same time.

Stephen: He’s having a bad day.

Rhys: Yes. And so he was like, I’m done with. The whole Victor Crowley thing, I don’t want anything to do with it. I did my three films, three films and out.

So he was at this convention and I’m having a hard time tying down because in one report, he was at this convention in Worcester, Massachusetts, and another [00:06:00] one, he was in like Essex in England. It’s the exact same story, but told in these two different locations and it doesn’t make any difference,

Stephen: but

Rhys: he was there, he was asked to introduce George Romero, who was there as a big speaker.

And this is what I mean, when you touch that many people in the horror community touches back.

Stephen: Yeah.

Rhys: And so Romero was there with him, had asked him to introduce him and george Romero, what a figure in the history of horror movies. And when he did the introduction, everyone starts clapping.

And Romero’s look out at the crowd because a lot of the people who were there were wearing hatchet t shirts. And Romero said, you have to do another Victor Crowley film. And Adam Green’s I just, I think it’s done. And he’s you don’t get to say when it’s done, if you’ve come up with something and the fans embrace it, like they have, you owe it to the fans to do another one.[00:07:00]

And it was that. Pet talk from Romero that actually got him to do Victor Crowley.

Stephen: Wow. That’s, the fact that Victor or that Romero recognized it and was, pushed them, that’s a accolade. I’ll give you that.

Rhys: Wow. Yeah. I had made a mistake in the first one. Oh, by the way, there are several mistakes as I listened to the series and stuff we’ve done, trying to figure out a way to correct them.

I think we

Stephen: made,

Rhys: yeah.

Stephen: Oh Hey,

Rhys: I’m thinking like a comment in the YouTube video, correcting the mistake or something. I

Stephen: saw a couple of those. Yeah.

Rhys: Yeah. I made a mistake because I said that they filmed it in Louisiana. They did film it in Louisiana. They filmed lots of it, Louisiana and hatchet one.

You can see where they filmed it in Louisiana. I

Stephen: remember talking about visiting some of the same places, like the one fence that was Armstrong estate fence and the one square and stuff,

Rhys: but the [00:08:00] actual action scenes were all built in the middle of the desert, California. Which makes it actually even more awesome in my mind.

It is! They would dig this pit, fill it with water, and just put greenery everywhere and there’s your swamp. That’s hilarious. They would only shoot at night. It was freezing because the desert gets cold at night. And so a lot of the stars were talking about how they would just spend all their time.

They’d be in their shot. They’d be in their shot. They’d be soaking wet. And then they just, as soon as they said, cut, run over to the heating lamps and just stand there and heat up for a bit before the next tape. That’s hilarious. Yeah. So they went back out to the desert where they had done the first ones and shot the whole thing.

They filmed it in secret. When they auditioned people for it, for Victor Crowley, they didn’t tell them what they were auditioning for. Did they

Stephen: say it was go be called Blue Harvest?

Rhys: Something along those lines. I even have the name of

Stephen: Yeah, the Star Wars code name for Empire .

Rhys: Yeah. So if you [00:09:00] got the role, you didn’t even know until they told you got the role that it was a Victor Crowley.

And so they shot the whole thing in secret and in August of 2017, it was the 10 year anniversary of hatchet. I think it was in California, Adam green had this thing where it was like a 10 year showing of hatchet in the theater, you can come and watch and Adam green is going to be there and introduce it.

And so everybody comes in, fills the theater. They’re all wearing their hatchet gear. He gets up to introduce it and he’s but we’re not actually going to watch hatchet. And he debuts Victor Crowley to this audience. A movie made in secret that nobody knew existed and they just went wild. And to top it all off, he had lots of the stars of the whole series there in the audience.

And they all got up and they all took questions and stuff.

Stephen: And I think that’s awesome because when you mentioned slasher movies, everyone goes, Oh, Halloween, Friday the 13th. And then they’re like, so what else is there? And then they start trailing off and you can [00:10:00] usually name a couple because there’s plenty of them, but I must say.

I appreciate Halloween, maybe a little more than Friday the 13th, and I do the newer Halloween movies the sequels extension they did, except for that middle one recently. That was a weird one. But Friday the 13th really goes off the rails as it goes along. It’s crazy. And I’ve always personally loved the Nightmare on Elm Street.

Freddie’s been great, even that. The real campy, goofy ones. Honestly, you gotta watch nightmare on Elm Street.. Like when you’re in his dream world, like it’s a Bugs Bunny cartoon, because that makes it so much better. It’s like that, but after watching. These hatchet movies. And then Victor Crowley, I’m like, you know what, personally, these, I think have become my favorite slasher movies.

And that’s even including all the really bad Christmas horror slasher movies.

Rhys: Yeah. What’s your knee deep in right now? I’m sure.

Stephen: [00:11:00] Yeah. Yeah. I think I’ve taken a break from I know I put some stuff up on the website, but you can only handle so many of those at a time, then you got to take a break.

Rhys: Yeah. So some statistics. When he shot Victor Crowley, he spent 400, 000 on it. They shot the whole thing in 11 days. Wow.

Stephen: That’s all it took to record the first poison album.

Rhys: And I would say this is a much better result, actually.

Stephen: Music video, apples, oranges.

Rhys: The movie runs an hour and 23 minutes.

It was nominated for five awards and it won four of them. And most of those are at the Toronto after dark film festival.

Stephen: Oh,

Rhys: cool. So that’s Victor Crowley. 400, 000 take, I don’t know what’s how much they made off of it, but it costs 400, 400 K to do it. The first hatchet cost them 1. 5 million to make.

It had a 338, 000 box office take. It [00:12:00] was an hour and 33 minutes, an additional 10 minutes over Victor Crowley. It was nominated for seven awards and it won six. We go into hatchet to 800, 000 to make 208, 000 box office an hour, 25 and four film nominations and hatchet three was 1. 2 million.

No box office information, an hour and 21 minutes in a single nomination. And I will say of the four movies, hatchet one is my favorite. I like hatchet two, probably next. Then Victor Crowley and hatchet three, in my opinion, is the worst of the four.

Stephen: You go with that. I thought the quality of all four was pretty much even the, but the general story and engagement, the story and the gags

Rhys: and stuff.

That was

Stephen: brooke, before we, some of the things that stuck out to me that I was texting you and talking to you about that, they broke the [00:13:00] rules. You might say like terrifier used a gun, it broke some of the rules. First of all, these were one right after the other, where I don’t know of any other slasher series where it happens, immediately after the final girl.

Was the final girl in all of them, except for she did come back and forth, but she was the same final girl each time. And you never get that. And one of the cool things I mentioned was they mentioned a band in one of the movies and that was Adam Green’s real band back in the eighties or nineties. It was in

Rhys: Victor Crowley.


Stephen: right. Okay. I got that note. Yeah. So those were some of the things I stuck out that I loved about this show. And yes, it’s got a little campiness, but come on, if you try and be real serious with a slasher, it looks way worse. They just, you, it just doesn’t happen. It seems.

Rhys: And I think that’s like the dangerous and he did it very well.

The Halloween films are [00:14:00] all trying to be very serious. And they walk that line where it’s like, cause it’s got to be good if you’re going to be serious about it, right? And that’s why I think for me, Halloween is a big hit and miss. Friday the 13th is like you were saying for Freddie, Friday the 13th for me is a cartoon.

It’s just a question of, okay, there’s eight people. How do seven of them die? That’s really what it boils down to. And Nightmare on Elm Street, I have the same kind of thing as Halloween, where when it hits. And when it doesn’t. I know you’re more of a fan than I am, but when it doesn’t, I’m just like, yeah, that was a little too camp for me.

Stephen: Yeah, the, some of those really are, but the mythology, I like that whole thing that he came up with and the Halloween movies after watching the latest trilogy that they did in the last couple of years. I really like that latest trilogy, except for that middle one, what they were getting too political with it.

But the basic story I pretty much so if you watch number one and then watch the new trilogy, [00:15:00] Halloween really pretty strong. But I do think Halloween 2 actually holds up pretty well. And it’s one of the only other ones that takes place immediately after the first one in Slashers.

Rhys: Yeah, the dissent did that as well.

Okay. And it’s not a slasher movie. It’s a monster movie, but the dissent one, you had the final girl who makes it all the way out. And then the dissent two starts with the police picking her up and then forcing her to go back in to show them where everybody was. Oh yeah, it’s good. .

Yeah, it’s not something a lot of people do where it’s like, Hey, I’ve got this really long story and it’s going to take more, it’s more of a modern convention. Actually. The Hobbit is going to tell you one story over five movies for God’s sakes. But so I thought we would go through and I’m going to just.

Before we do the cast, I’m going to go through and tell you just thumbnail of what hatch at one, two, and three are on the offhand chance. You were [00:16:00] coming to this without having seen, right? Good. Without having heroes talk about hatch at one in hatch at one, a group of tourists go into the swamp, they’re led by Sean, who is played by Perry Shen and accidentally stumble across the Crowley estate resulting in everyone dying, except for Mary Beth.

Who who was played by Amara Zaragoza and technically Ben, who was played by Joel David Moore. Ben actually survives the first hatchet. You don’t actually know that, but

Stephen: sorry, interrupting. The other thing I really loved was the one character that came back in all three movies as somebody different.

Yeah, sorry. That’s why

Rhys: I was doing this.

Stephen: Yeah. I forgot about that part.

Rhys: So hatchet two, Zaragoza. And Adam green, there was some kind of falling out. She didn’t want to play Mary Beth anymore. And so they replaced her with Danielle Harris who had [00:17:00] history doing horror movies already. So she was a good, she was a good choice.

And in fact, she had auditioned for the role for the first one. And she was the runner up. She was, if Amara Zaragoza hadn’t done it. It was going to be her

Stephen: and honestly, it’s a pretty good transition. It’s not too jarring.

Rhys: Yeah. Mary Beth wants to go back to the swamp and get her father and her brother’s bodies.

And she recruits Reverend zombie played by Tony Todd to help her do this. He calls this guy, Justin. He calls Sean’s brother, the guy who is the tour guide of the first one. Also played by Perry shin. And to go round up the bound round up a bunch of bounty hunters to go get Victor. Because Reverend zombie just wants to take Victor Crowley out.

He doesn’t really care about Mary Beth and her he’s got the secret plan to get Victor banished from the swamp by letting him kill the three boys who are now old men who are responsible [00:18:00] for the fire that killed him.

Stephen: And I like the New Orleans thing here, where he’s a faker as far as the voodoo goes, but they all believe that magic and the supernatural.

It’s not even questioned, it’s not discussed, it just is. And I always like that when it’s in movies like that, or books or whatever.

Rhys: It all goes south, and Victor kills everybody except for Mary Beth. Now, the funny thing I have a note in here, the voodoo elements get introduced here, because when we did hatch at one, one of your criticisms was if you’re going to be down there and have stuff, you might as well embrace the culture and introduce some voodoo elements.

They do that in the second. Yeah, absolutely. There’s a curse. Hatch at three. Mary Beth is being held as the prime suspect of killing everyone from hatchet two, which is crazy impressive for the little lady. She is first responders head into the swamp. One of them is a paramedic named Andrew. He has played by Perry [00:19:00] Shen, who were the first two tour guides who died in the first two movies.

There’s a passing shot as the camera pans across where you get to see Ben. Ben is there still alive, but like catatonic, he’s missing an arm. And it’s an uncredited cameo by Joel David Moore. I just thought that was awesome when he did that. He dies with everyone else. So it’s not he’s coming back from this, but Victor’s father’s ashes will break this curse.

And in the end, Mary Beth breaks this urn containing the ashes over top of Victor’s head, causing him to melt into this. Gooey, gloppy mess, which she then shoots with a shotgun because, milting him is not enough. And then she collapses. There’s an after credit scene that shows her gasping for breath and Perry Shen who plays Andrew the paramedic in this one, his character actually survives hatchet three.

Stephen: And this is [00:20:00] where there’s that line in all the slasher movies and lots of movies, but it’s slashers that you get too serious and it’s stupid. You get too campy and people roll their eyes and they don’t like it for some reason, it works. Perfect with this. It’s right on that balance point and even when she’s melting and even when they’re adding elements, it never seems too stupid and it’s never like it’s taking itself too serious.

It hits that middle point just right. That makes it interesting and fun without trying to be, on golden pond or something, which would be Friday the 13th,

Rhys: and not unlike Friday the 13th. Which you watch specifically to see the inventive ways they kill people. Even if you don’t like the story or anything else about the Hatchet movies, you can watch it for the artistry because these are all practical effects.

Yes. So like when he rips someone’s arm off, there’s no computers involved in that. It is just, somebody has built an arm [00:21:00] that will rip off and then blood will spurt out of it.

Stephen: And the story Adam does great with the story because each movie adds a little bit of elements without. Again too much and they add new characters that are involved in the whole thing So it’s like these characters have always been there just not part of one and two and he does a really good job with that

Rhys: Yeah, so the cast I’m not gonna go into detail on a bun on a couple of them because Perry Shen plays Andrew again We talked about him back when he was the tour guide In the first one and Cain Hodder is Victor, we’ve talked about Cain Hodder quite frequently on this show.

So, Laura Ortiz plays Rose. She’s from Bogota originally. She took up acting in LA. She was in Wes Craven’s 2006 version of the Hills have eyes, which was okay. Considering it was a remake.

Stephen: Yeah, it was [00:22:00] definitely let’s make it like the original. There wasn’t a lot of differences.

So go watch the original.

Rhys: She has an uncredited role in Hatchet 2 just as somebody who’s passing by. She was in Norbert, Horton Hears a Who, Guardians of the Galaxy. She is listed as the tortured pink girl. Oh, okay. Okay.

Stephen: I think that’s in the collector, I believe.

Rhys: Oh yeah. Which is funny because the autopsy of Jane Doe, the girlfriend is the other pink girl who is the cleaning person for, oh yeah.

She had a long run on Green’s television series. Here’s the note. It’s called Hollister. The name of his TV series was called Hollister. She did six episodes of Robot Chicken. She did voiceover in shadow of the Tomb Raider. She’s got like a grand total of 37 acting gigs on her cv. Oh, David Sheridan.

He plays Dylan, who is a very fun character. Yes. He’s an American [00:23:00] actor who started out as an intern at SNL and then moved to Second city where he worked as a writer producer and director. So he comes from a comedy background originally he’s got 92 roles on his resume. It includes scary movie ghost world the devil’s rejects Which were you talking rob zombie?

He also walks that line, but he tends to be more serious with the occasional humorous element thrown in.

Stephen: Yeah. He tries to get a lot of, he tries to be very dark, which comes across as serious a lot of times

Rhys: or has to be. He was also on a long run on a series called Arbor live. He was in horrible bosses, a haunted house one and two.

He was in a movie called the walking deceased. Camp Twilight, Bloody Summer Camp, Massacre Academy, Something in the Woods, The Curse of Bridge Hollow, The Christmas Tapes, which I don’t know if you’ve come across that yet. I’m going to mark

Stephen: that [00:24:00] one down. Don’t know that one.

Rhys: And he had six upcoming titles Black Archives.

New Fears Eve Take Me Home, Z Dead End, Bloody Summer Camp 2, Red Horizon. And he’s in Scary Movie 6. Yeah, you will find a lot of the actors in these, in this movie. Did a whole lot of the camp scream horror films that were Friday 13th clones.

Stephen: Horror is so weird of a genre ’cause you get a lot of the people over and over because it is a smaller, there’s a lot of people that don’t wanna do anything horror.


Rhys: Crystal Joy Brown has been very active on Broadway. She was in Hamilton, she was in hair. And Motown, and here she plays the tabloid news host and ex wife of Andrew, Sabrina. . So she’s actually much more of a stage actress than necessarily a [00:25:00] movie actress. She’s got 20 acting credits for mass media psycho stripper, the voiceover as Natoa and Sherah and the Princesses of Power.

Okay. Wow. Magic Camp riding around the Christmas tree, and she had recurring roles in Power Book three, raising Canaan. And voiceover as Barbara Gordon on Batman caped Crusader. So she’s got another one of those like a new season of cape Crusader coming out, but she’s going to be in,

Stephen: You’re mentioning several movies and I’m like, Oh, I’m gonna have to go look that one up.

Rhys: You can just look up on my notes if you want the whole list. Yeah.

Stephen: Yeah. We captured it. So I’ll look at the transcript too.

Rhys: There you go. Felicia Rose plays Kathleen. She is just a general scream queen. Legitimately, she has been in so many horror movies. Here she plays [00:26:00] Kathleen, who is Andrew’s publicist, right?

She’s from New York. She’s a classically trained actress. She’s got 158 entries on her IMDb and her first role was on sleepaway camp in 1983. Beautiful. Yeah. And then, just, she was in horror, zombie geddon. Dead serious slaughter party evil ever after returned to sleepaway camp, silent night, zombie night, deadly little Christmas.

There’s another one. There’s another one.

Stephen: Yeah.

Rhys: Camp dread the house that wept blood. Death house extremity. It wants blood scream tests, massacre Academy shriek show. She was in terrifier too. Triple X mas cult of blood, dark chronicles, and of everybody in the history of us doing this podcast, [00:27:00] she has the most upcoming films of anyone we’ve ever done.

She has 29. Upcoming films. Holy crap. And I always like mentioning the upcoming films ’cause on the offhand chance people watch this, it’s something new these people are gonna be in. But I’m like, I can’t do all 29. So I only did some of the ones that are in post-production. Okay. So she’s in a movie, upcoming movie called Area 51 50.

The events surrounding a peeping tom, the undesirables watchdog. A new release of new fears, Eve.

Stephen: Oh man,

Rhys: somebody remade that. I haven’t even seen the first nightmare, deadly endings, death woods, party of darkness, sorority of the dam reserved.

Stephen: And these are the in post production one. Yeah. [00:28:00] Wow.

Rhys: Bloody summer camp to red horizon, the boy from below the slasher nurse.

And another one for you to finish it off. Christmas slasher. Oh man.

Stephen: Oh,

Rhys: that one’s about probably a really complex plot that

Stephen: probably been rewritten multiple times.

Rhys: Yes. Brian Quinn plays Austin, who is the sound guy. He’s from Staten Island and he’s pretty much more of a producer than he is of an actor, really.

He’s acted in 28 pieces going all the way back to dogma. He was in dog, but he was in vulgar J and silent Bob’s super groovy cartoon movie, which is I have not seen that one. I will admit the J and silent Bob reboot practical jokers, the movie. And he did an episode on the new McGuire series.

And an episode on Star Trek [00:29:00] Picard. Oh, wow. Which was really only what, six episodes anyways?

Stephen: No, it was three seasons of six or eight episodes. Okay.

Rhys: He was in clerks three and he has two upcoming titles don’t move and scream boat We get all kinds of great punny names.

Stephen: We do. Yeah because they don’t want to redo all the names that have been used for the last 40 years

Rhys: Yeah

Stephen: you gotta wonder though you mentioned the one that was classically trained do you think all the other people she knows that you know graduated classically trained actors she goes oh yeah i’m doing green queens twenty seven or you know tell you they’re like i was in another production of macbeth oh yeah i did sunday bloody sunday

Rhys: so there it felicia rose is who you’re referring to and she was like a classically trained actress. I would not be overly surprised to find that probably 50 percent of the [00:30:00] people she graduated with did not go into acting. You’re right. She at least is doing it. Yeah, she’s doing it. Not only is she doing it, she is very prolific.

She is in all kinds of stuff. She’s actually probably quite successful compared to the other people she worked with. Yeah. If I had to guess Tiffany Sheppas, she’s a New York city based indie film star. She plays Casey. She’s been in 154 titles including early James Gunn film, Romeo and Juliet maybe familiar.

She was in terror, firmer citizen, Toxie, the toxic Avenger for Ted Bundy, scarecrow death factory, the ghouls detour, the hazing speed bag, blood oath. Chainsaw Cheerleaders, Zombies, Zombies, Zombies, Night of the Demons, The Scream, Queen of Screams, The Violent Kind, Plead for Me, Princess of Dark, Hallow’s Eve, [00:31:00] Sharknado 2, the second one.

Stephen: My parents watched all five of those in a binge session and then questioned why they did. Wow.

Rhys: So she’s been in a ton of these indie horror films, tons of them. She had a five episode run on Star Trek Picard. And she has three upcoming titles, flesh don’t let them in and dawn of five evils. So

Stephen: sounds like some ancient Chinese prophecy.

Rhys: Yeah. Chase Williamson was originally from Texas. He plays Alex. He’s been in 50 titles over time, including John dies at the end. The guest he had a long run on video game high school. He was in Ant Man he was in Siren, I just recently came across this, Siren, even on my list I have two different movies called Siren.

There’s six of them, [00:32:00] and they’re not related, they’re just Name the same. Yeah.

Stephen: It’s kinda like Christmas movies.

Rhys: He was also in Camera Obscura, Bad Batch. And a long run on video palace. He’s got two upcoming films, Cadillac dust and crooks. Katie Booth plays Chloe. She’s got 15 titles on her CV.

With tell me how I die as the most recognizable name for me, but the rest of them, I didn’t actually notice.

Stephen: And that’s actually more typical of a lot of the movies we watch in horror movies. You get actors that haven’t done tons. So it’s interesting to see ones that have done a whole lot of other things.

Rhys: Yeah. I do notice that for some reason I didn’t do Danielle Harris. Probably because she’s playing, she doesn’t, she only shows up at the end. Yeah. But she’s got a huge resume and [00:33:00] Laura Ortiz who plays Rose is actually a really good friend of Adam greens. They’ve worked together on a lot of previous projects.

But that’s all the pre production notes. So we’re just about ready to get into the meat of it.

Stephen: So time for that drink. So I w we can go about 20 minutes. I did get an email. We do have a 1230 meeting. I told you they, they call them quick. So if we get through part of it and maybe we can finish the last half or whatever tomorrow or sometime, just get as far as we can, it’s not,

Rhys: it’s not a huge plot, so yeah, you could probably figure out the plot.

Stephen: Fairly quickly.

Rhys: The movie starts back in the sixties and you have Dell and Sue in a boat. And you have Jonah Ray playing Dell. He’s from monsters

3000 theater 3000. [00:34:00] Okay. Oh, it’s the show where they sit around and they watch mystery science theater 3000. Oh, mystery science theater. Yeah. Yes. Jonah Ray is in that and Kelly Vorman plays Sue. She’s from the Chica show. And then you have this he’s proposing to her. She’s crying.

There’s snot everywhere. It’s purposely really hokey. They hear a cry. He insists on checking it out and it’s Victor Crowley. Who kills him and then kills her in the most wildly ridiculous dismemberment scene you’re ever going to see.

Stephen: Yes.

Rhys: Yes.

Stephen: And he’s super strong. Cause he can do one slash and cut somebody right in half.

Yeah. And I must say, this is like the most romantic proposal in a haunted swamp in the middle of the night. The hell does that?

Rhys: Yeah. Just watch out for the

Stephen: snakes, but I propose

Rhys: as soon as she’s dead title card, Victor Crowley. And then we get this [00:35:00] retelling of the myth, which is done by this little creepy girl in like a photo slideshow.

That really creepy girl who’s doing that is Felicia Rose’s daughter, Lola, who they just sat her down and said, Hey, would you read this? And she’s sure. And she just read through the whole thing. They recorded it. Bang. It was done. And as soon as she’s done retelling the myth of Victor Crowley, which we could go into, but it’s really not that big of a, he was cursed.

That’s what caused him to be. But you get another title card, but this one’s for Sabrina, the talk show. And it really feels like a late nineties

talk show.

It could have been Maury. It could have been anybody. They did a nice job of making it look like that. Sabrina has as her guest, Andrew, who has written a book about surviving the attack of Victor Crowley.

And she introduces him. There’s this awkward tension, as soon as they shake hands. He’s it’s been 10 years [00:36:00] and she brings up these lawsuits because people were convinced he killed everybody. Then he brings up their divorce. So the two of them were once married. She just flat out accuses him of being the Bayou butcher.

Because his DNA was found on two of the victims, which is a hilarious nod to the fact that two of the previous characters were played by him.

Stephen: Yes, and you know me, it’s all those stupid little Easter eggs that’ll draw me into a movie more than the storyline or anything else. You do enough of those in the right way.

I’m hooked.

Rhys: I’ve got another one for you here. He points out that he was exonerated by the police. She still is it was you. But when he does that, The Chiron on the bottom pops up this thing that says police officer says monsters are real. That is a direct reference. Green did a mockumentary between hatch at three and Victor Crowley called digging up the [00:37:00] marrow, where he is a movie producer and a police officer comes to him and says, monsters are real.

I can show you. And so just that little Chiron is literally. Something a nod to another one of his parts. Oh, that’s pretty cool. I love that. Yeah. We cut to this hotel room with Alex, Chloe, and Rose. Chloe is a big fan of Andrew. He’s on her hall pass list. They are low budget filmmakers in new Orleans for a book signing by Andrew to try and get him to back the film.

Stephen: Right.

Rhys: And that’s literally how green did this when he did the first hatchet. He was doing this exact kind of crap.

Stephen: And again, like the battery, that’s always the story. I love talking about how he got all that money.

Rhys: Alex screwed up the shirt. He’s wearing this shirt that has what’s supposed to be the new Barry comics logo which is really just like a smiley face, but this one looks like it was drawn by.

[00:38:00] Somebody with a palsy of some kind, it’s all jacked up.

Stephen: And wasn’t that the same store and shirt that one of the guys wore in the first movie? I believe it

Rhys: wears it in the first movie and it’s a nod to Newberry comics, which is the comic shop that Adam Green goes to in Massachusetts. Andrew’s bitching out Kathleen about being on Sabrina’s show.

And Kathleen is super slick. She can deflect anything he says. Nothing he says sticks to her. She points out it’s a 10 year anniversary and once he can cash in, he gets to go back to Japan. He’s I’m from Baton Rouge bat and my background is Chinese. And she’s are you sure Okay. How offensive.

Yes. They’re at the book signing, Chloe is super excited, someone has defaced his poster calling him a killer and drawing a big cock and balls on his poster, someone shows up and [00:39:00] wants him to sign her breasts which he does, one, one breasts, one signature for her, one for her father,

Stephen: which that’s one of those things that you have to do a double take wait a second, I’m

Rhys: Yep.

Someone accuses him of killing all those people and he’s going to get his one day. And then this guy comes up and wants him to sign his penis. That turns out that was Perry Shen’s idea.

Stephen: That’s hilarious. I love that.

Rhys: Yeah.

Stephen: But you got to be fair if you’re going to do one, you got to do the other.


Rhys: And it wasn’t just Hey, sign my penis. It was like legitimately the guy put his penis on the table in the shot. Andrew or Adam had to cut that and the front breast shot. In order to ensure that it would show up in streaming

Stephen: and not just in the skin of max late night, right?

Rhys: Just as chloe gets there and starts talking to him kathleen hustles him away. She’s yeah, okay great. I don’t want to you know, she basically says we don’t [00:40:00] have time to deal with you kids Have fun making your movie, but she does so in a nice kind of way that

Stephen: smarmy agent,

Rhys: like,

Stephen: yes.

Rhys: Andrew has gotten an offer to go to the swamp itself for an interview. And he’s no, I’m never going back.

And she’s but they offered you 500, 000. And he’s no. And she’s but then I talked to him up to a million and he’s

Stephen: okay, money talks.

Rhys: Yeah. There’s a great cut to him being on the plane. He’s not happy to be there. Kathleen is this place is a major tourist attraction. You don’t need to worry about Vixor Crowley or anything like that.

She offers him a complimentary prescription drug. She’s got. A whole case full of them.

Stephen: It’s that’s Hollywood lifestyle. It’s this is just how it is. Yeah. That cracked me up. She’s just so nonchalant. Oh, what am I taking now?

Rhys: The two pilots walk by looking like extras from a beastie boys video that is actually Adam green [00:41:00] and his best friend, Joe Lynch, who is also in Halston.

They played those two.

Stephen: I didn’t realize that I’ll have to go see that again. Just to,

Rhys: Casey and Austin are over there flirting with each other. And you have this makeup guy there. His name’s Jay. He was played by Tez Yancy.

Stephen: He was a pretty good character.

Rhys: He was for all the longer he was there. Andrew asks who was interviewing him only to find out it’s Sabrina.

So he opts to take some of those drugs as Sabrina gets on board. So then the pilots make this ridiculously long announcement that was legitimately the cast reacting because that was not scripted. So it was Adam green, just like making crap up and going a lot and everyone going, and then back to, and then back to their phones.

Stephen: That’s hilarious. I love it.

Rhys: Yeah. We cut to the swamp, Chloe has secured a tour guide to take them into the swamp by promising him a role in the [00:42:00] movie, and it’s Dylan he comes out and just does a bunch of really bad impressions starts to hit on Rose, and she’s I’ve got a dick, and he’s he offers to show Alex the ropes before he starts handing out headshots to everybody.

Stephen: Yeah. Dylan is just so oblivious and over the top about everything. And he thinks he’s so much better, which makes him the worst. Yeah. Every, the whole thing is hilarious.

Rhys: We got the plane. They’re hitting some turbulence. Sabrina and Austin go to make Andrew. She hassles Casey about the lights Sabrina can’t hassles.

Casey about the lights. We find out that the crew is not a big fans of Sabrina. They have a best boy on the plane named Zach played by Blake Woodruff, who was in cheaper by the dozen. I remember that family.

Stephen: I assume he was one of the kids back

Rhys: then. Yeah. Back at the swamp, they’re like, there’s not too many tours going out.

And Dylan’s yeah, there’s not a lot of tours cause it’s, it’s been a while, [00:43:00] but everyone’s making movies. There’s lots of movies being shot, which is a heart crushing to Chloe there. But Austin is miking Andrew making small talk. Austin is from Staten Island. And then they cut back to the swamp and here’s where you get a little Sam Ramey in there, you get a little evil dead thing.

Because they’re trying to pronounce the curse that created Victor Crowley. They don’t know how to do it. Rose finds people pronouncing it properly on YouTube. So she starts playing like a playlist of people doing this curse,

Stephen: again, that’s one of those things that. To think of doing that. It cracked me up, it’s done in such a great way that I applauded very much

Rhys: Tony Todd actually does a cameo being one of the people who’s pronouncing this.

Yes. Which

Stephen: I, again I give Adam Green credit for bringing people back and doing those little touches that just keep it all connected [00:44:00] and fun.

Rhys: Yeah. Jay goes back to do Andrew’s makeup. The plane is experiencing some turbulence and Jay’s Oh, I’ve been on so many planes. Don’t worry.

This is perfectly safe. The fuselage pops. Jay is flung into the back. Zach gets sucked completely out of the plane. We just met the kid get sucked out a window and in the swamp, Zach’s body hits the ground.

Stephen: Right by the kids, right by the kids,

Rhys: yeah, Chloe freaks out and Dylan and Rose run off to see if there are any survivors from the plane crashing the forgotten cell phone dropped on the floor of the swamp, just repeating the curse over and over

Stephen: and I did like the way he got.

Everybody back to the area he needed without it being a tour or without being, it’s been a while. So what’s a good excuse to go back? Oh, we’ll just crash the plane like a Bermuda Triangle thing.

Rhys: Yeah,

Stephen: That was a great way to solve it easily.

Rhys: And I would say the plane wouldn’t have crashed [00:45:00] if the curse hadn’t been.

Being pronounced at that time. So

Stephen: arguably it’s crazy how all these coincidences happen in movies like this.

Rhys: Yes. Talk about coincidences. You, we now see the fuselage, the plane in the water and suddenly it’s nighttime because it was legitimately daytime when Rose and Daniel are like, oh, let’s go see if there are any survivors and then

Stephen: boom night.

That’s cause slasher movies, you have to be at night. You can’t do a daytime slasher.

Rhys: Casey is pinned. With her chair, the water’s rising. Austin says he’s got to get help. Kathleen slept through the whole plane crash. Bill snoring Austin goes up front to check on the pilots only to find them both dead.

Very gruesomely.

Stephen: Yeah, good special or makeup, special effects and stuff all throughout the whole thing. Really.

Rhys: Andrew wakes Kathleen just as Rose and Dylan show up and they can’t get in from outside. You have to open the door from the inside of the plane, which makes me wonder how anyone ever [00:46:00] gets into the plane.

If it’s just sitting there parked, yeah, whatever. Yeah. Austin opens it. Austin gets out and Dylan gets on and tells everyone you got to get out of here.

Stephen: Every line of Dylan’s is something to listen to. Cause it’s every single line is stupid and over the top and just crazy. And you gotta love the guy.


Rhys: every movie, I don’t want to say every movie, but a lot of movies have a character that just has the best lines. Like the aunt from Krampus, right? Yes. Everything she said was golden. Here you’ve got Dylan and you’ve got Rose and the two of them just got the absolute juiciest parts of the script.

Absolutely. Yeah. Andrew goes back to check on Jay and Jay’s only half there, really, legitimately because it’s just his legs and some organs dangling.

Stephen: Yeah, they can’t get in, but we’ve had several people sucked out of the plane. That means there’s a hole somewhere,

Rhys: right?


[00:47:00] Andrew and Dylan try and move the stuff that’s on Casey, but it’s too heavy.

And Dylan’s I’ve got tools in my boat. She doesn’t want to be alone. So she calls for Austin. He’s Austin’s dead. They’re like, Austin’s not dead, he like says that she like panics. So Austin comes over to hold her hand. And she’s it’s super important for my life that I don’t drown.

Most drowning victims would probably say something very similar. I’m sure. Yeah. Yeah. Turns out she’s pregnant. So she has a baby.

Stephen: At least they didn’t have the delivery while she’s drowning and with Victor. That might’ve been a little too much.

Rhys: Green said he made her pregnant because she does pass away.

He made her pregnant as a way of encapsulating the fact that he never had kids and he thinks it’s too late too, so she represents that section of his life, just. Dying off. Wow. That’s that sounds really serious to stick into this film. [00:48:00] Wrong movie for it, but okay. Yeah. Chloe and Alex are at the dock.

Something splashes in the water, just splashing the water. Chloe doesn’t want to be there anymore. And that’s where you get the sign of Reverend zombie and the water’s churning over there. They’re just about to get onto the boat. They’re just about to leave for the boat. I’m sorry, the crew at the plane, and they hear Victor cry, Daddy!

Andrew says, get on the plane, and Dylan’s no. And Andrew pulls a knife on him, so he has to get on the plane. Chloe and Alex are hearing this too, and they find themselves in the burnout remains of the Crowley house itself. There’s a hatchet stuck in a split log.

Stephen: It’s the typical slasher.

It’s look, let’s hide behind the or let’s get in the car. No, are you crazy? Let’s hide behind the chains.

Rhys: Yeah. There’s a motion sensor that keeps going on and off. They’re like, Oh, it’s just a motion center. There’s the cry again, and the cry of daddy is [00:49:00] actually Kane Hodder and Adam Green’s voices combined, and then they pitched it down.

Oh, wow. That’s what Victor’s voice is. These two, Chloe and Alex, end up hiding in the shed. On the plane, some people believe him some people don’t, are they safe here? He’s he’s got tools. He’s got like this belt sand, the gas powered belt sander that he has. And then as if just to hammer it home back in the shed, there’s the belt sander sitting on the thing.

And then you get this jump scares. Victor comes rushing in and kills Alex.

Stephen: And that was a really good one. Cause the lights on and off and on and off. And yeah, it was done pretty good. I liked that one.

Rhys: Again, it’s like the camera strobe thing only done well by not using a camera, right? Yeah, chloe takes off and Victor grabs his axe.

On the plane, who’s got a phone? Dylan’s, my notes just say Dylan is an idiot. I don’t know why my notes say that in particular for this scene, it holds. [00:50:00] Again, every line that comes out of

Stephen: them, you gotta do the, what the hell are you talking about, dude?

Rhys: Yeah, Kathleen really needs to get out of there.

Austin wants to tell everybody about the baby, but Kathleen is just being this whole pre Madonna. Then Chloe comes to the window and Rose says, Go to the door! And everyone gets this front row seat of Victor stalking her and her inevitable demise as they watch through a window. He leaves her laying on a hill, but she’s not dead yet.

Stephen: Not dead. Not dead. Yeah.

Rhys: He just left her on top of the hill.

Stephen: Okay. All right. So crazy Thing. Between those scenes, I wiggled my nose and my clothes changed. So the

Rhys: nice.

Stephen: Yeah.

Rhys: Okay. Where were we, Austin and Casey finally get it out? They are pregnant.

Stephen: Adding complications to the complicated visit by, yeah,

Rhys: honestly, I think, Green was [00:51:00] using it as a metaphor for his own life, but I think it also is a red herring because most people wouldn’t think that.

You would kill that character off.

Stephen: Yeah, I might, but

Rhys: You and Adam green,

Stephen: we’d probably get along. This isn’t a whole part Christmas movie with a slasher.

Rhys: Andrew and Kathleen start fighting. Andrew says he and Dylan need to get to the boat and Austin wants to be one of them to go. But Andrew points out that Dylan knows where the boat is.

So logically. He has to be the one who comes along.

Stephen: That’s important.

Rhys: Rose notes that Chloe is still alive and Andrew points out that it’s a trap. Dylan says he’ll go and all he wants Is a kiss from Rose when he gets back,

Stephen: he’s like the classic movie hero,

Rhys: he is and she kisses him right then and says, she’ll marry you if you succeed, if you get out there and bring her back [00:52:00] safely.

And he says he loves her, even though she does have a dick, which is nice of him. Everybody’s what? And she’s no. But then there’s a water snake that gets into the cabin of the plane and everyone freaks out. Kathleen makes a run for it. Austin goes to close the door. After Kathleen goes out and when he leans out I, I don’t even want to say Victor scalps him cause he takes off the top of his skull as well.

Not just yeah, Austin dies here.

Stephen: The snake coming in and stuff. It’s like the DM had a random encounter chart and was rolling a lot of numbers.

Oh, am I think I’m a little yeah, sorry. Sorry, I got internet unstable. Just FYI. If I’m sounding choppy or something, just to let you know,

Rhys: you are sounding choppy, but is that on your end?

Stephen: Yeah, I think [00:53:00] so.

So just keep going. I’ll try and Kathleen

Rhys: suture this together.

Stephen: Yeah.

Rhys: All right. Kathleen does get a few steps away from the airplane before Victor rips her arm off and stuffs it up her butt so far that her hand and the phone come out of her mouth. That’s so middle school stomps Chloe’s head in. Yeah. Oh yeah. And I don’t know how heavy you would have to be able to actually crush a skull just by stepping on it.

Stephen: Yeah. Yeah.

Rhys: Jumping on top of the roof Victor’s causing the plane to sink faster and Dylan starts to scream dramatically as Casey drowns. Which seemed really weird to me, cause all of those oxygen masks are hanging [00:54:00] there. You could just pull a tube off there and she could have breathed through that tube.


Stephen: Yeah, I thought the same thing. I’m like, there’s a few plot holes along some of these movies that are like simple.

Rhys: Yeah. Yeah. Just, for dramatic effects. Sorry. I was trying to make sure that my ethernet was actually connected. Maybe that’ll fix things a little bit.

Stephen: Yeah, no, I think it’s me.

Rhys: You’ve improved a bit.

Stephen: I got rid of some stuff that was running. So

Rhys: Andrew says he couldn’t say no to a million dollars. And Sabrina points out he was only getting 25 K and then she’s what a loser you are and mentions Haddonfield his loser band, which was Adam Green’s band real

Stephen: band.

Rhys: Yeah. Yeah. Rose puts her in your place, putting out how useless talk show hosts are. And they’re just a pretty face that are actually talking to [00:55:00] more interesting people all the time anyways. So what’s your point? Then she points out how horrible Andrew is because he’s making all of his money on a book that he wrote about everyone else’s catastrophe.

So she’s maybe this is a punishment for how horrible you all are.

Stephen: It’s definitely stress coming out at this point.

Rhys: Yeah. Yeah. They’re starting to snipe at each other a bit. Andrew wants to know why tonight and Dylan wonders if it’s a cyclical thing. And Rose wonders if it was the curse pronunciation, which it was,

Stephen: but they didn’t even say it.

It was a YouTube

Rhys: video. And

yeah Dylan points out that he has a YouTube channel. It’s called chilling with Dylan. If anybody’s interested,

Stephen: Which actually one of the supernatural ones of youtube videos that I do watch occasionally The guy’s name is dylan and he always says chilling with dylan

Rhys: Is he like [00:56:00] this guy carry headshots around?

Stephen: No. No, not at all

Rhys: Kathleen’s body gets jammed up, slammed up against the plane and it’s right against the window and the phone starts ringing that’s still held in her hand, which is coming out of her mouth. Rose grabs it to the disgust of almost everyone else who’s there. And then she doesn’t answer the phone.

So then it becomes a thing of can we unlock the phone? And no. And they’re like, you just should’ve answered the phone. But most phones have you can make an emergency call on them regardless, whether it’s unlocked or not.

Stephen: I’ve accidentally called an emergency number when I was out doing yard work a couple of times.

Oops. Yep. Yep.

Rhys: Victor’s got his handy gas powered belt sander and he’s grinding into the fuselage, hits some wires, which cause the lights to flicker, and all of a sudden they’re like, Hey, the plane’s still got power. So Dylan has a reasonable [00:57:00] idea. He’s going to turn on the turbines and then we’ll push Victor into it, and that’ll finally kill

Stephen: him.

It definitely sounds like he’s been watching way too much Bugs Bunny.

Rhys: It gets even better because he walks into the cockpit and he just looks around. He’s it’s still in time. And he just starts pressing buttons.

Kathleen convinces everyone else clever girl to swim out through the hole in the fuselage instead of taking the door, not Kathleen, Sabrina, Kathleen’s already dead, Sabrina convinces everyone to swim out through the hole in the fuselage. So they’re not going through the door, which is where Victor’s waiting for them.

So everybody gets out. They didn’t want to leave Andrew trapped in there with him. Andrew calls him, calls for Victor. And all of a sudden the hunt is on now, right? Yeah. Victor’s hunting them down. But as Victor leaves, he does note that the turbine is starting to spin. He like stops and looks at it.

Sabrina steals the phone [00:58:00] from Rose and runs away. Rose hides in a tree as Victor shows up and a single teardrop comes down from her eye and lands into the leaves. And Victor throws an ax at it and then still doesn’t see her. So he pulls the ax and he stalks off into the night.

Stephen: Isn’t that the, like the cartoon action, cartoon trope, anime trope or whatever.

Yeah, that, that cracked me up seeing that it’s like, Oh man, is he really doing this? Yeah, he was.

Rhys: Yeah. Dylan, since he has the thing up and running, gets on the radio. He’s captain Dylan. Then he’s general Dylan. Then he’s. Admiral Dillon on a mission of diplomatic importance or whatever. Yeah, he doesn’t just call for

Stephen: help.

He’s got to go overboard that, they’re fighting the Nazis and they’re going to be, doing this or they’re, there’s, Kaiju. Yeah. He just keeps coming up all these movie situations that he’s the hero of the ride in and save the day. So [00:59:00] that was pretty funny.

Rhys: Andrew’s going back to the plane and Dylan actually get through to somebody who’s just Hey, this is a private frequency.

Get the hell off of it. That was actually Kane Hodder who did the voiceover for that. So that’s cool. Yeah. They get a flare gun out of the cockpit and head out. Sabrina, however, is hanging out by the docks and the phone rings. Victor grabs her by the head. And you get this like first person shot of her dying.

Yeah. So it is the end of Sabrina. That wasn’t sad to see her go.

Stephen: No, yeah. It’s the end of the show. That put a lot of people out of work. So that’s sad.

Rhys: Considering what just happened to most of the people who work for her. That might not be too bad. True. Rose comes running up to the guys, Victor’s right behind her.

He throws he throws her at them. And then Andrew aims with the [01:00:00] flare gun and shoots him in the face with a flare. Impressive. And that’s one thing green was always good at with the hatch in the first hatch. It was like. The victims were really good at fighting back. Yeah. It’s not good enough.

Stephen: Yeah, cause he’s a supernatural, super strong being, that they were all what’s her face from Halloween

Rhys: Jamie Lee Curtis, Jamie Lee

Stephen: Curtis. Yeah. They were all like that. And I must say that’s pretty impressive with a flare gun. They’re not the most accurate devices for shooting.

Rhys: No, not at all. While he’s recoiling from the flare. Rose grabs his ax, punches him and runs over to the two guys. And she’s though, she’d be little, she is fierce. And she throws the ax at him and misses horribly. Actually,

Stephen: I thought was so much better than actually hitting them.

Rhys: Yeah.

Oh yeah. This next part and then Andrew takes the last flare and shoots it and it goes way over his, he’s go to [01:01:00] hell. You ugly bastard and shoots it. And he goes way over his head. Cause

Stephen: you’re so used to all those one liners and then something dramatic happening and it’s the exact opposite, which gives it that it’s that type of comedy within this tense situation that I think that’s funnier than most comedy movies.

Rhys: Yeah. So Dylan’s yeah, no, maybe no more one liners. Andrew goes up and pushes Victor, which gets him close to the turbine so that the jets are actually pulling him. And he can’t get away. But he’s still there, still alive. And then Dylan turns to Rose and says, I would have had your babies and makes a heroic sacrifice as he runs and dives slamming into Victor.

They both go into the turbine, leaving a bloody pudding out the backside.

Stephen: And that’s such a great line. I would have had your babies. He’s not even making sense now, but it’s a dramatic line.

Rhys: Yeah. [01:02:00] The music and the credits. Wow. Not quite there’s a news, the music and the credits start there.

And the song is hatchet the ballad of Victor Crowley by igniter. Who’s a bandit Adam green loves. And one of his favorite Wes Craven films was the film in 89 shocker. Oh yeah. You remember that there was a song called demon bell, the ballad of Horace Pinker. And so this was in tribute to that.

There is a post credit scene where they’re talking about, there’s two survivors. Ooh, is that Andrew Yang? And all these people are dead. And then Mary Beth is in this post credit scene. She grabs the shotgun and says something about. I’m going to come and get you, motherfucker. I’ve been waiting for this and cocks the gun and walks out.

Yeah. End of Victor Crowley. And rumor has it, there is a fifth one in production, but that’s what they say.

Stephen: Okay. [01:03:00] Considering how he brought this one together 10 years later with the plane, I’m interested to see what he tries to do to make it different. We had the bad Friday the 13th where Jason takes Manhattan.

That, that one I hated the most because. 90 percent of the movie. He’s on a boat. He’s not even in.

Rhys: It wasn’t manhattan. Yeah.

Stephen: And you get he dies and goes underground, but then some girl has powers and lightning hits the water and brings him to life and he reforms. Some of them get so ridiculous.

It’s not even funny in a way, but this plane crash that he did and how he had it. Life continued, it really felt like life continued, so I’m interested if they come out with five now what he’s going to do.

Rhys: Yeah. It would be really interesting to see. So

Stephen: we’ll have to hold off to get the special edition Blu ray box set.

Rhys: Yeah. Yeah. So that is Victor Crowley and all three

Stephen: hatchets by Adam green. There you go. And I also found out this year for Halloween every year for the last [01:04:00] five years, he’s been coming out with a Victor Crowley comic book special every Halloween.

Rhys: Oh, so he does him on Halloween specifically. It’s not like a mini series or, Oh, that’s cool.

Stephen: Yeah. So I just found that out this year. I’m like, wow, that sucks. Now I got to go find these ones that are probably super hard to find.

Rhys: Yeah, I’m sure they are. Yeah, probably not a big print run.

Stephen: Probably not. Some of these comic conventions, I’ll probably find a couple, maybe sometime. So there we go.

All right. This was a fun movie for me to watch. I enjoyed it a lot. So what’s coming up next?

Rhys: Coming up next, we have David Brooker. From who did the ritual and this is the night house. This was his movie that he did in 2020 before he did Hellraiser.

Stephen: Oh, nice. Okay. And if anyone listening to this point, not switching off of us yet, we’ve got some new features going on.

We’re doing the side dish where we’re doing some public domain. Movies and watching and we just did our second [01:05:00] one of hackson and we’ve got The cabinet of dr Calgary coming up that’s gonna be the next one and we’ve got a lot of new Articles going up on the website. So a lot of cool things.

We’re doing trying out here now after we’ve been doing this for a while so everybody who’s die hard that got this far. That’s not Reese or one of his kids trying to fall asleep. Go check out all the stuff going on.

Rhys: Yeah, certainly. Season five is winding down to get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then the bonus.


Stephen: it’s coming up and then we’ve got several seasons still playing. We got to pick up the pace a little bit and get a few more of these going. I think.

Rhys: Yeah.

Stephen: All right we’ll try and fit it in. And since we are recording this a couple of days for Christmas, Merry Christmas, and since everyone will probably be listening to this in March, you’ll be wondering like, what the hell are you talking about?


Rhys: with all the trees and everything behind you, that’s,

Stephen: Yeah, it fits. I tried to get the AI to generate a horror one and it was like, just blanking out. So I’m like, okay, I’ll leave the trees. [01:06:00] There you go. All right. Later, man. See ya. Thanks.