I’ve read the short story before and enjoyed it. Then Stephen King himself said this was a great movie. I went to see it.
I think it started off as a serious horror movie, but somewhere along the line, Osgood took a little something something while watching a Tim Burton movie – and went so far off the rails it didn’t resemble to original source material. This mostly results in a bad movie.
This is one of those movies that reimagines the original source material in its own way. This also mostly results in a bad movie.
Guess what? Monkey is a fantastic movie! All around I enjoyed it. My son and I cringed and laughed throughout. The death scenes are so over the top horrific, you can’t do anything but laugh. And that seems very intentional.
Definitely has become one of my favorite horror movies and based on Osgood Perkins other movies, it moves him up in the directors to watch list.
Get it on Amazon